Utilizing our broad experience in building end-to-end public bus transportation management and bus tracking solutions, Aftek now offers various transportation services under one complete framework, known as Aftek Transportation Framework (ATF)
ATF is advantageous for transport organizations and independent fleet operators alike, who are seeking expertise for deploying Integrated Transport Solutions (ITS), either partially or fully. ATF offers highly customizable and cost-effect IT solutions for public transportation and logistics sector. It also enables seamless exchange of information between all the concerned business entities.
Designed for scalability and future growth, the main components of ATF are depot manager, bus tracking system, passenger information system, automatic fare collection, smartcard management and driver console unit. Being highly configurable, these components can be easily integrated with third party devices and can also be customized to fulfill JnNURM compliance requirements. For convenience, access to all the framework components is offered by means of a unified portal application.
Aftek Ltd is also in a position to offer consultation and planning, scheduling and pilot testing, training and deployment along with support and maintenance for various ATF components. In essence, when you collaborate with Aftek, you not only partner with one of the highly experienced IT service providers but also get expert assistance for the deployment of the ITS, right from the consultation all the way to the maintenance stage.
To know more about Aftek’s Transportation Framework and its components, visit: http://its.aftek.com